Andhra University Degree Sem 4 Question Papers or Previous Papers all subjects

 Andhra University Degree Sem 4 Question Papers or Previous Papers Semester - 4 ,  2021 papers

Held in september 2021

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 Syllabus of Semester - 4 


Maths  -


 Real Analysis & Real Analysis Problem Solving Sessions

UNIT – I (12 hrs) : REAL NUMBERS :

The algebraic and order properties of R, Absolute value and Real line, Completeness property of R, Applications of supreme property; intervals. No. Question is to be set from this portion.

Real Sequences: Sequences and their limits, Range and Boundedness of Sequences, Limit of a sequence and Convergent sequence.

The Cauchy’s criterion, properly divergent sequences, Monotone sequences, Necessary and Sufficient condition for Convergence of Monotone Sequence, Limit Point of Sequence, Subsequences and the Bolzano-weierstrass theorem – Cauchy Sequences – Cauchey’s general principle of convergence theorem.


Series : Introduction to series, convergence of series. Cauchey’s general principle of convergence for series tests for convergence of series, Series of Non-Negative Terms.

1. P-test

2. Cauchey’s nth root test or Root Test.

3. D’-Alemberts’ Test or Ratio Test.

4. Alternating Series – Leibnitz Test.

Absolute convergence and conditional convergence, semi convergence.

UNIT – III (12 hrs) : CONTINUITY :

Limits : Real valued Functions, Boundedness of a function, Limits of functions. Some extensions of the limit concept, Infinite Limits. Limits at infinity. No. Question is to be set from this portion.

Continuous functions : Continuous functions, Combinations of continuous functions, Continuous Functions on intervals, uniform continuity.


The derivability of a function, on an interval, at a point, Derivability and continuity of a function, Graphical meaning of the Derivative, Mean value Theorems; Role’s Theorem, Lagrange’s Theorem, Cauchhy’s Mean value Theorem


Riemann Integral, Riemann integral functions, Darboux theorem. Necessary and sufficient condition for R – integrability, Properties of integrable functions, Fundamental theorem of integral calculus, integral as the limit of a sum, Mean value Theorems.

Reference Books :

1. Real Analysis by Rabert & Bartely and .D.R. Sherbart,  Published by John Wiley.

2. A Text Book of B.Sc Mathematics by B.V.S.S. Sarma and others, Published by S. Chand & Company     Pvt. Ltd.,  New Delhi.

3. Elements of Real Analysis as per UGC Syllabus by Shanthi Narayan and Dr. M.D. Raisingkania     Published by S. Chand & Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

Suggested Activities:

Seminar/ Quiz/ Assignments/ Project on Real Analysis and its applications 


Physics - Fourth Semester


            Paper IV: Thermodynamics & Radiation Physics

            Practical 4.(Lab 4)


Paper IV: Thermodynamics &Radiation Physics

(For Maths Combinations)


Work load: 60 hrs per semester                                                                   4 hrs/week


UNIT-I (10 hrs)

1.      Kinetic theory of gases                                                                     

Introduction –Deduction of Maxwell’s law of distribution of molecular speeds, experimental verification. Transport phenomena – Mean free path - Viscosity of gases-thermal conductivity-diffusion of gases.


UNIT-II(12 hrs)

2. Thermodynamics                                                                         

Introduction- Isothermal and adiabatic process- Reversible and irreversible processes-Carnnot’s engine and its efficiency-Carnot’s theorem-Second law of thermodynamics. Kelvin’s and Claussius statements-Entropy, physical significance –Change in entropy in reversible and irreversible processes-Entropy and disorder-Entropy of Universe–Temperature-Entropy (T-S) diagram and its uses - Change of entropy of a perfect gas- change of entropy when ice changes into steam.


UNIT-III(12 hrs)

3. Thermodynamic potentials and Maxwell’s equations               

Thermodynamic potentials-Derivation of Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations-Clausius-Clayperon’s equation-Derivation for ratio of specific heats-Derivation for difference of two specific heats for perfect gas.Joule Kelvin effect-expression for Joule Kelvin coefficient for perfect and vander Waal’s gas.


UNIT-IV(12 hrs)

4. Low temperature Physics                                                            

Introduction-Joule Kelvin effect-Porous plug experiment - Joule expansion-Distinction between adiabatic and Joule Thomson expansion-Expression for Joule Thomson cooling-Liquefaction of helium, Kapitza’s method-Adiabatic demagnetization, Production of low temperatures -applications of substances at lowtemperature-effects of chloro and fluoro carbons on ozone layer.


UNIT-V(14 hrs)

5. Quantum theory of radiation                                                                       

Blackbody-Ferry’s black body-distribution of energy in the spectrum of black body-Wein’s displacement law,Wein’s law, Rayleigh-Jean’s law-Quantum theory of radiation-Planck’s law-Measurement of radiation-Types of pyrometers-Disappearing filament optical pyrometer-experimental determination – Angstrompyrheliometer-determination of solar constant, Temperature of Sun.



1.      BSc Physics, Vol.2, Telugu Akademy, Hyderabad

2.      Thermodynamics, R.C.Srivastava, S.K.Saha& Abhay K.Jain, Eastern Economy Edition.

3.      Unified Physics Vol.2, Optics & Thermodynamics, Jai Prakash Nath&Co.Ltd., Meerut

4.      Fundamentals of Physics.  Halliday/Resnick/Walker.C. Wiley India Edition 2007

5.      Heat, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics-N Brij Lal, P Subrahmanyam, PS Hemne, S.Chand& Co.,2012

6.      Heat and Thermodynamics- MS Yadav, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2000

7.      University Physics, HD Young, MW Zemansky,FW Sears, Narosa Publishers, New Delhi

Practical Paper IV:  Thermodynamics & Radiation Physics

Work load: 30 hrs                                                                                         2 hrs/week

Minimum of 6 experiments to be done and recorded

1.      Specific heat of a liquid –Joule’s calorimeter –Barton’s radiation correction

2.      Thermal conductivity of bad conductor-Lee’s method

3.      Thermal conductivity of rubber.

4.      Measurement of Stefan’s constant.

5.      Specific heat of a liquid by applying Newton’s law of cooling correction.

6.      Heating efficiency of electrical kettle with varying voltages.

7.      Thermoemf- thermo couple - potentiometer

8.      Thermal behavior of an electric bulb (filament/torch light bulb)

9.      Measurement of Stefan’s constant- emissive method

10.  Study of variation of resistance with temperature - thermistor.

Andhra University Degree Sem 4 Question Papers or Previous Papers all subjects Andhra University Degree Sem 4 Question Papers or Previous Papers all subjects Reviewed by ALLINONE on September 12, 2021 Rating: 5

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